Sunday, July 5, 2009


First of all, I think that the whole debate over how the MPAA rates their movies is insain. Although I do agree with both sides of the parties in some ways, I am more on the MPAA's side of the arguement. During Bill Clintons presidency he said " I don't even think the letter rating system is effective". Um, I would like to know how he thinks this. Personally I think the MPAA does a great job rating the films. Like Noel states, 1) Ratings-wise, the MPAA gets it right 90 to 95 percent of the time. 2) When they get it wrong, the injury caused is negligible. 3) When people complain about the MPAA's decisions, they're most often really complaining about something that the MPAA doesn't control.” 90-95 percent corrrect? That sounds like a pretty liget number to me. Dick critisises the MPAA because they have parents in Los Angels rating the films. This is a great idea because these people actually know what they what their kids to see and what they do not want them to see. Kids in America are already currupt enough be it from sex, drugs, language, and violence. I know 14 year olds that are doing all of those things but some people (Dick) think that this is acceptable. Is it? I didn't think so but I guess it is now. Would it have been acceptable 50 years ago or hell even 30? Absolutly not. I do not think that 10 year olds should be able to go to what should be a rated R movie that is PG or PG-13 and see sex scenes. That is not right at all. Also remember that sex and violence are two totaly different things. The American culture and the way that the country runs needs to slow down and think about the generations after us. Do we want then to be so currupted that they can not do anything right or do we want them to be well rounded people that experince things at the right time?

But, and this is a BIG but, the MPAA can sometimes be somewhat bias. Like the MPAA being "Homophobic" is a problem to some people and could cause problems in different cultures. Other than that I do not see how it is bias when these people are trying to protect the youth of the nation. There is a right time for kids to see and here this stuff and it is not when they are still children.


  1. Tyler I read your blog and I think you have a strong argument. What is Dick really trying to prove? Is he trying to say movie ratings are too harsh and children should be able to see violent and pornographic movies? Maybe Dick is a little biased because he is trying to make money by selling to a wider audience… After all he has something to gain from all this.

  2. Tyler you’re a genius! Good stuff though, having these multimillion dollar movie companies complain because they cant show kids an extra "love scene" is ridiculous. I am personally yet to see a rated R movie that "should have been PG-13" that decision is completely up to the producers and if they wanted to reach a younger audience then they should have known better. Of course they are going to be slight biases in the MPAA, there not robots, however any bias that these movies are subjected to are the same biases portrayed on society. I know my parents would have never let me see "Broke Back Mountain" at age 13. Not that I would have wanted to.
