Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Henry Jenkins and Media Convergence


This classic video of a Star Wars light saber battle is a good example of Media Convergence. In Convergence Culture, Henry Jenkins states that “Consumers are learning how to use these different media technologies to bring the flow of media more fully under their control and to interact with other consumers” (18). This video is a good example of new consumers interacting with media. In the video, several people take elements from the Star Wars universe and use it to make their own video. The people who made the video are consumers of the Star Wars movies. But they are also producers because they create their own content and share it over the internet.


This is a campaign poster from Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. The poster depicts Barack Obama looking into the distance with the text “Change we can believe in.” I think that the poster makes and emotional and logical argument for Obama as president. The picture of Obama depicts him as strong leader and on that people can depend on. The text makes a logical argument by calling for a change from the previous administration, something many people felt was necessary. I think that this poster relates to Henry Jenkins Convergence Culture in that the poster appeals to the audience of today with the message of change.


  1. I agree with you in your argument about the lightsaber. If someone had to guess the number one item on any nerd’s fantasy wish list, the lightsaber is a safe bet to put your money on. Videos like this one litter the Internet and are a clear depiction of the public’s fascination with them. This overly romanticized piece from the Lucas inspired universe has become a necessity in any Star Wars spoof and the public has made it their own to Jenkins’ liking.

  2. The fans of Star Wars are so devoted and love the franchise so much that they want to be a part of the action. With the convergence of culture in modern society, viewers have been able to become part of the franchise with new technologies such as computers and special software. This video is an excellent example of this type of fan participation
