Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Media Convergence


Henry Jenkins suggests, “The web has made visible the hidden compromises that enabled participatory culture and commercial culture to coexist throughout much of the twentieth century” (137). There is no better place to find converged media than the good old internet. This picture I found on the web of Michael Vick and with the help of Photoshop, Scooby Doo is a good example of what Henry Jenkins is talking about when he says convergence culture. In his book, Converging Cultures, he talks about how media is coming together, or media convergence. This picture has Scooby Doo, a cartoon phenomenon, connected to Michael Vick of the Atlanta Falcons. This image was done obviously by a supporter of animals, and brings up Michael Vick’s whole ordeal with dog fighting. Regardless, this image gets courted across multiple media platforms, and with the help of participatory culture is now projected to unlimited viewers via Google.


Henry Jenkins stated, “Convergence occurs within the brains of individual consumers and through their social interactions with others” (3). This applies to this political ad against President Barack Obama. This ad is an image of the president with a beard and a turban, an obvious reference to Obama’s middle eastern relations. It also has the words Obama bin Laden ’08, playing on his campaign slogan. The whole ad is against him, believing him to be a terrorist and what not. This is just another example of media convergence out there today.

Charlie Hollman



  1. I really like the Mike Vick connection, that is a good example of the power media holds. It is comical, yet it represents something that is considered a very serious subject my many.

  2. The Michael Vick and Scooby Doo convergence is a great example. It combines a well known sports star with a famous well-known cartoon character. The image clearly shows the message of him abusing dogs for his dog fights. The political image is nothing surprising. During the entire campaign, images like this have been popping up on both sides. These are opinions of the people and may have helped swayed some voters to one side. Like the michael vick image, it states the participants opinion.
