Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Dark Night Fandom and Propaganda

Cinema Fandom:


According to Henry Jenkins, “ the current moment of media change is are affirming the right of everyday people to actively contribute to their culture”(136). People are trying constantly to be up-to-date on the popular culture, and they want to be associated with it. Consequently, they try to contribute to it; they want to have an identity with it. For example, in the “Dark Night Parody”, the producers wanted to be associated with this new film and add their own contribution. They tried to make it their own original little production. Another reason according to Jenkins that people produce their own little fan art is “people do bad art, get feedback, and get better” (140). These people are awed by the productions of artwork that the directors and producers make; they want to follow into the footsteps of these people. However, the only thing that is holding them back is that they are inexperienced. If they get feedback, they they are better able to produce various of their own productions. These people hope that they might someday make it big. In the “Dark Night Parody,” these people did an amazing job in imitating their own trailer of the film. However, experienced amateurs could give them tips on how to have better camera angles or better capture the sound. These films “are intended for audiences beyond the filmmaker's immediate circle of friend and acquaintances” (Jenkins 146-147). The makers of the “Dark Night Parody” wanted their film to been seen by a wide range of audiences, otherwise they would not have posted their video on youtube. If it was intended for an intimate audience, it would have not been posted on the internet where any person could access it. Lastly, according to Jenkins on why amateur film artists produce their own works of art is it “enables them to physically manipulate the characters to construct their own stories”(150). It gives the person the ability to actually fulfill their own fantasies of the characters and become creative with them. They use what has already been created (plot and characters) and make the story their original storyline. In “Dark Night Parody,” the producers personalize the trailer by having the joker 'disfigure' two-faced face by coloring him with sharpie. It is a bit of a hilarious scene, but it was their own personalize touch. They did imitate the film, but they made it lighthearted and comic to satisfy audiences.



According to Jenkins, “Popular culture influenced the way that the campaigns courted their voter-but more importantly, it shaped how the public processed and acted upon political discourse” (219). If the public can better identify with a certain thing, in this case “The Dark Night,” they are better able to understand the concept. They are better what the propaganda is referring to. In this propaganda, Obama is photoshopped as the Joker. With the quotes of “Why so socialist?”, it implies that Obama has socialist ideas. This curbs the audience away from supporting Obama. This is used possibly used to “attract undecided voter and register new participants-especially the young” (220). Most teenagers have most likely seen the film and what it is referring to. Teenagers are then motivated to counteract this 'socialist' idea, and possibly vote anti-Obama. Another reason, young people find this pop culture more appealing in dealing with politics is that they “find the language of politics unfamiliar and uninvolving compared to the immediacy offered by popular entertainment” (239). Teenagers do not want to deal with the tedious talk when it comes to ideals; they are impatient and want to get to the point. They want to know what they can identify with and then make a decision off of that.
This political propaganda appeals greatly to the ethos appeal because it tries to counteract with the audience's belief of socialism. Most Americans view socialism as something bad and frightening. For example, the USSR was socialist and they were our archenemy for decades. Americans like the idea that were are a democratic country and have the ability to do as we please. Also, this appeals to the audience's pathos because it arises fear. America was terrified of the USSR for years thinking it would bomb it or arise another war. That form of government is different than what the American people stand for.

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