Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Convergence: Grassroots and Photoshop


This minute long synopsis is of Hamlet, animated. It involves all of the elements of Hamlet, but also creates a parody of it throughout the course of the video. This features convergence because it involves the fusion of theater, animation and the internet. On grassroots filmmaking like this, Mr. Jenkins states that, “the web provides an exhibition outlet moving amateur filmmaking from private into public space.” This is the exact kind of break that amateur filmmakers needed. The internet allows the mass distribution of works throughout the entire world, and lets the rest of the world find out about these amateur filmmakers. Because of this, people that create home videos are now able to post them on the internet and let anyone view them.


For this piece of Photoshop artwork, the artist mixed a portrait of Obama with Robin Hood, with the tag line, “This time, trust us.” This piece of artwork is really showing how people don’t believe in Obama’s policies, and that what he says he is doing is right. Jenkins states that “the 2004 campaign was a period of innovation and experimentation in the use of new media technologies and popular-culture-based strategies.” Even though this quote is about the 2004 election, it still offers a brilliant insight into the 2008 election and the distribution of media. Many of the people that Obama gained his votes from learned about him through the internet. Also, people were persuaded to go out and vote because of the internet, and because they were able to see the outcomes of the recent polls and debates through the computer.


  1. Internet does distribute mass media throughout the entire world. Watching Hamlet in 60 seconds was quite interesting…it fascinated me how people could summarize Hamlet in 60 seconds –with a sense of comic relief. It showed how any type of media –books in general –could have such an impact upon the internet world –I mean, Hamlet was simply created into a parody. Also, I liked how you pointed out the picture of Obamahood. Although it was from 2004 election –like you said –it really could have affected him in the 2008 election. Using 2004 election image (that surfaces around the web throughout the years) shows that anything could happen in the world of internet.

  2. Ben I like your description of Hamlet and a perspective of Obama with Robin Hood. It also helps how you mentioned that the internet plays a huge role in the world today, and how its being mass distributed. You mentioned Jenkins and related him to the Obama Robin Hood picture by comparing the use of technology in politics and other media.

  3. Hamlet has been around for a very long time and every decently educated person will recognize its name. It is because its been around for so long that of course it is going have a big fan base therefore reenactments of it are going to be done all over the world. Relating Obama to Robin Hood is pretty clever, it is amazing the things people will do to try to help their candidate get into office
