Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Culture convergence

The link above is a home made spoof of the overrated movie, Twilight. This is an example of Jenkin's participatory culture in his book, Convergence Culture. The producers created this spoof to state their opinion on this movie. They are fans of the movie and have created this spoof that could only be understood by people who have already seen the movie or read the book. Like what Jenkin's wrote,"Rather than talking about media producers and consumers as occupying seperate roles, we might we may now see them as participants who interact with each other according to a new set of rules that none of us fully understand."[3]. In this case, the consumers have created something for other consumers to consume, therefore making them producers. Like what we're taught in economics, consumers have the vote, the power, the same applies for the entertainment world. The people, audience, fans, and consumers all have the power. Jenkin's states this in his book, "Fans are the most active segment of the media audience, one that refuses to simply accept what they are give, but rather insists on the right to become full participant." [131]. The producers stayed constant with the setting, lighting, and feel of the movie. The one thing they changed in the spoof is the aura of the scenes. The serious scenes were targeted in the spoof. Something unexpected and "funny" would happen like running into the sliding door or an offset phrase said by one of the characters. THe producers decided to mock the cheesy serious scenes. Spoofs like this have become common in today's world. The consumers feel as if they have to participate in these activites. Jenkin's says,"The Web represents a site of experimentation and innovation, where amateurs test the waters, developing new practices, themes, and generating materials that may well attract cult followings on their own terms."[148]. These spoofs and fan based videos may seem mediocre and abortive. However, they can cause quite a stir. This one has probably had some effective, even though none significant, in the entertainment world based off it's number of views, over 7 million.

The presidential elections this past year have been one of the most controversial, hyped up, talked about elections i've expierenced. Obama came out as the winner in this round. However, with supporters there are those who oppose. This flyer has most likely been created by one of these opposers. It was created during the election, most likely, to sway the views of those who were "stuck in the middle". Jenkins says," ... activists deploying new resources to shape the political future..."[12]. The republican has depicted the way he sees obama in this image. It is the convergence of the president and the controversial movie Borat. As Jenkins wrote," Welcome to convergence culture, where old and new media collide, where grassroots and corporate intersect, where the power of the producer and the power of the media interact in unpredictable ways." [2]. Like the spoof, this media has probabaly had some effect in the political world, however not very signficant. The usage of borat causes a stir and shows that obama is foreign, probably not with the literal meaning, and is immature.

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