Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Twilight and Obama

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyreQCWMdKECheck Spelling

"The Web has made visible the hidden compromises that enabled participatory culture and commercial culture to coexist throughout much of the twentieth century." (Jenkins 137). In this commercial spoof the charachters ar real but the re-makers made their lips move differently and said their own lines to make fun of the movie New Moon. This in many ways is like Quentin Tarantino's Star Wars because it shows how people take a plot or sceens from a movie and change them into something else. Most of the time these people are doing it to make fun of the movie and just reinacting it. The actors in the New Moon trailor talk about how she is pregnant and how he wants an abortion. In the movie the girl gets pregnant and he does not want the baby so it just makes fun of them by participatory culture.


In this picture of Barak Obama it shows his famous home image. But instaed of Hope it says Nope. This was obviously done by a person against Barack Obama. the point of the messege is that it is trying to say Barak Obama has no hope at all for this country and he does not need to be elected president. "Popular culture influenced the way that the compaigns courted their voters- but more importantly, it shaped how the publicprocessed and acted upon political discourse." (Jenkins 208). Our culture is very unforgiving now a days and will do anything to ruin someones image.


  1. Hey good example of what Jenkins is talking about when he refers to fandom. The clip is a little strange but effective none the less.

  2. First,good job on finding a good fanmade video. I laughed so hard when I was watching the fanmade Twilight trailer. Also,the quote that you used was a good one. Today, many people make video that make fun of the movies and shows. For the image that you chose, it is also a good picture. Instead of the word "HOPE",the opponent make it to "NOPE." There are supporters and opponents in the politic. I really think is bad that how people want to ruin someone's image. And, that is just something that is not right. Good job overall!
