In the preview for World Trade Center they use numerous images to induce a feeling of sadness. These images consist of both families watching helplessly and the images of the brave who tried to evacuate the buildings.
It the beginning they show life as it was before the planes hit in a calm manner, just normal everyday life. Which then turns into multiple images of destruction and a sense of panic. These images start with a cop watching the low flying plane and then an image of the workers inside the World Trade Center. In the preview they now start to focus more solely of individuals instead of the police force or the city as a whole. They show their families watching the television screen, terrified of what just happened and where their husband/son/dad are. All the images that are shown throughout the preview inflict a feeling of sadness and despair. They also grab your attention because this was an actually event that happened and their were peoples loved ones in those buildings.
The next preview I watched was a very different one. The preview for Sex and the City was definitely targeted towards a female audience. It uses big New York glam to get you hooked. Also in almost every image that they show of Carrie, she is wearing a dress and with some sense of the big city in the background. For instance when they showed the new apartment it was a big and spacious with once again Carrie in a dress and the big city behind her. They also use images such as the dropping cell phone to keep you guessing and lead you into a new set of images. Some that are not so glamorous as before.
Both previews use these images very effectively. They may not seem similar but in a way they are. They start of with normal beginnings; the police force on a normal day and a girl with her best friends about to get married. But then they both switch; the World Trade Center turns to destruction and panic while Sex and the City switches its tone to a sense of shock. These are both very effective ways to attract the viewers and are used very often in other previews.
I can definitely see how these movie previews are in correlation with my post about Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan. Just as World Trade Center conveyed a sense of sadness, Schindler's List had a lot of that, especially in the beginning. And although the shock value of Sex and the City and Saving Private Ryan are enormously different, they both have shock value. Saving Private Ryan was geared toward a more violent shock. Sex and the City was a more culture shock of sex appeal. (I have not seen, nor wish to see this movie, so I am only speculating.)